Posted on: 3 Year(s)

Which Programming Language is best to choose C-Sharp (C#) or php?

Programmers are always looking for easy ways to solve programming issues with less effort and code. Every programmer wants to choose a language which is easy to learn and powerful enough to solve issues and create the best Software product. Things are not that easy as we look at it. There are many programming languages which are popular among the programmers to develop softwares and web applications. We will discuss only two programming languages for our discussions which are php and C#. We will talk about others later when you people want to. 

Programming with C Sharp (C#).

C# is one of the popular programming languages which is popular because of its flexibility and support. Programmers like it because by learning c# They are able to create desktop, web and mobile applications. If you are a developer who is developing applications for all platforms then you need to consider c-sharp which is one of the best programming languages. You can develop many applications with the help of C sharp like Mobile Apps for Android and IOS. You can develop web applications for Windows hosting and Linux hosting platforms. C Sharp is now widely used to develop apps for every platform which is easier and less expensive. You can develop ones and hosts on every platform you want. For example if you want to develop an Android application you have to only code for your Android App C# code will automatically generated for your IOS application. Same case is for your desktop applications you code only once and you can deploy your application on Windows and Linux platform. You can also develop applications for Windows with c#. Your C Sharp web application can be hosted on both Linux and Windows platforms depending on your choice which platform you want to choose. 

Final verdict about C Sharp (C#).

We will say that if you are new and want to choose a Programming Language for your carrier then we will recommend that C Sharp (C#) is best for you. With the help of C sharp you are able to develop many applications for many platforms. We recommend c# for you.

Php Programming Language:-

Php programming language is one of the oldest and commonly used to develop web applications. Php is very easy to learn and many of the Web Applications around the internet are developed in php.

Why Php?

Php is very easy to learn and light weight which can easily be installed and run on any type of PC. You can develop complex applications with the help of php. Php is also not a hardware hungry programming language which can easily be deployed on Low specifications servers. Php web applications hosting services are very cheap and easily available all around the world. Php runs very smoothly whether you have a low spec server or high spec server. There are some drawbacks to learning php that you can only develop web applications with Php. Code less and with lots of power to develop the Web Application. Php is less complicated to configure and php code can be separated in different files. Which is very helpful when you debug or update your code due to less coding lines. It's very easy to fix and update code.

Final Verdict about Php?

We don’t recommend php if you want to develop applications for all platforms like Desktop or Mobile application. If you want to diversify your work experience in the programming field of programming.


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